
My thoughts about therapy topics.

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From Surviving to Thriving: How to heal the scars from an emotionally immature parent

From Surviving to Thriving: How to heal the scars from an emotionally immature parent

“People have two needs: Attachment and authenticity. When authenticity threatens attachment, attachment trumps authenticity.”

Dr. Gabor Mate

The word “narcissist” is having a moment these days. Videos on Tik Tok and Instagram present neat, bulleted, quick-tip points warning of this type of person. Typically it’s a romantic partner who tries to get what they need at anybody’s expense, thus becoming a cautionary tale. I have heard the word thrown around so casually and so frequently and have become very curious about why.

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Self-Injury and Shame: Breaking the Cycle
Tommi West Tommi West

Self-Injury and Shame: Breaking the Cycle

For many of us, self-injury can carry significant shame and guilt: the feelings and the scars don’t go away, at least not for good. The act of self-injury can feel like a comfort, even an old friend, and serves a seemingly logical act designed to release pain or distress, or even anger. But this is a short-term (and potentially dangerous) solution.

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Sobriety and Mental Health: When to be Sober Curious?</a>
Tommi West Tommi West

Sobriety and Mental Health: When to be Sober Curious?

By bringing mental health, the connection to addiction, and a curiosity about sobriety into the common lexicon, these questions are more openly able to be explored with less shame or judgement by those struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues.

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