Elena White Psychotherapy for Healing in Los Angeles, California
Therapy for Identity and Belonging
Multicultural Issues and Identity Identity
“I’m half Chinese and half white. It’s hard to feel totally comfortable in my family.”
“I don’t speak Spanish, but I don’t ‘look’ white. I don’t really fit in either space.”
Feelings of strong identity are inextricably linked with belonging, familiarity, community, and safety. But what if you don’t feel connected to a strong sense of identity? Maybe you feel unsure about where, exactly, you belong. Or you feel rejected by parts of yourself that aren’t “enough.” You may want to embrace and even celebrate all the parts of yourself, but don’t feel like you have the support or tools to do so.
This can bring feelings of shame, confusion, a feeling of non-belonging, internalized racism, and even rejection from members of your community or family.
Whether your family of origin or ancestry has been on this land for many years, or have newly arrived, identifying as multiethnic can bring up big and complicated feelings.
According to a Pew Research study, 55% of multiracial-identified adults in the U.S. say they have been subjected to racial slurs or jokes. Some feel their multiracial background is a liability.
I personally identify as multi-racial and can hold space and compassion for whatever these unconscious dynamics of a multi-ethnic family and community bring up for you. I can support you in exploring complex and oftentimes painful questions. Having to explain yourself, your cultural context, and your difficulty navigating spaces that feel dangerous can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. Your therapy experiences can be a healing place where you feel seen, heard, and understood.
Offering online services in
Los Angeles, CA
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